Diabetic foot ulcer affects up
to 25% of diabetic patients


The 5-year
mortality rate

Between 30% and 70% of patients with diabetes
will present with a cutaneous complication

Diabetic chronic wounds such as Diabetic Foot Ulcers are caused by the state of hyperglycemia which induces various alterations in skin function that affect natural healing.

Epithelial and endothelial cell
migration activities are hindered

Elevated secretion of
pro-inflammatory cytokines

diabetic foot ulcers

Damaged tissues are unable to progress to proliferative and remodeling stage of wound healing

In-vitro results of PTT-6® on skin cells

PTT-6® uses a unique cell-signaling technology that helps to accelerate wound repair, reduce inflammation, and promote healing


Evidence of suppression
in inflammatory cues
decrease in
inflammatory cues

Evidence of cell migration
towards wound

Complete skin restoration
in 40 hours

Evidence of increased
cell proliferation
increased skin growth
at 7 days

Evidence of skin tissue
average improvement
in skin thickness

PTT-6® contains the essential proteins
and growth factors that support skin repair

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors Fibroblast Growth Factors Transforming Growth Factors Promotes healing through angiogenesis Interleukin-10 Facilitates regenerative healing through potent anti-inflammatory cytokine Fibroblast Growth Factors Transforming Growth Factors Promotes the formation of extracellular matrix Keratinocytes Growth Factors Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors Fibroblast Growth Factors Insulin-like Growth Factors Transforming Growth Factors PDGF-BB PDGF-AA Promotes wound healing through increased skin cell turnover, cell proliferation and migration

Formulated by pioneers in cord lining technology

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Sollagen™ is formulated with effective, scientifically researched, clinically-proven ingredients that support diabetic skin health.

Sollagen   Contains:

PTT-6® (exosomes, proteins, growth factors & cytokines)
has beneficial effects on all stages of diabetic skin

Control of immune responses

Inhibition of inflammation

Promote cell proliferation and angiogenesis

EMOLLIENTS like glycerol
support diabetic skin health

Increased moisture content in the skin

Improved pliability to reduce risks of cracks and lesions

Improved resistance to irritation

CURCUMIN has significant
anti-inflammatory effects

Direct anti-inflammatory actions

Reduction of pro-inflammatory mediators

Our range of in-clinic and at-home treatments

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Sollagen™’s powerful diabetic skincare line is designed to be used at any stage of skin health. It helps to prevent skin damage, repair injured skin, protect skin and keep it functioning at its best.


Daily conditioning and strengthening of diabetic skin


Easy in-clinic application


Daily protection and conditioning post recovery