Between 30% and 70% of these patients will present with a cutaneous complication, one of the most severe being a Diabetic Foot Ulcer.
A DFU diagnosis has


The 5-year
mortality rate


The 10-year
mortality rate

A Diabetic Foot Ulcer diagnosis has
the same mortality rate as all forms of cancer

Prevention and efficient treatment of DFU can save lives

CellResearch Corporation:
A leader in cellular therapy for the
treatment of diabetic skin

CellResearchCorp is a biotech company that utilizes a unique cellular technology platform derived from the umbilical cord lining. It has established a group of companies to manage the various businesses related to cord lining technology. These include a USFDA-trialed wound-healing drug, a diabetic skincare system, a cosmeceutical range and cord banking licensing.
CellResearchCorp had made the discovery that the cord lining is a rich source of MSCs and EpSCs. This novel and significant discovery is patent protected in multiple strategic key territories around the world. CellResearchCorp also has a broad therapeutic pipeline at the pre-clinical stage which utilizes cord lining technology; these include solid tumor therapy, treatment of inflammatory diseases, Parkinson’s Diseases, Age-related Macular Degeneration, Diabetes and cardiac muscle repair.

CellResearchCorp’s first allogeneic therapy completes Phase 1 USFDA clinical trials for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers with its product, CorLiCyte®


is a physician-applied therapy for chronic diabetic wounds that utilizes cord lining MSCs. Its indication is treatment of DFU in advanced stages

The DFU trial at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
+ Read Article


the active ingredient of Sollagen™, is developed from media derived from cord lining and contains over 3,000 proteins, including growth factors and cytokines

The range of in-clinic and at-home treatments
+ Learn More

Cellular therapy is a promising approach for the treatment of diabetic foot complications that has a growing scientific basis of evidence.
I am excited to be supporting the development of this technology, which has the potential to expand the range of treatment options available to patients to tackle the growing silent, sinister, health emergency of diabetic foot complications.”

Dr David Armstrong,
Pre-eminent global expert on DFU,
Scientific Advisory Board Member, CellResearchCorp

CellResearchCorp for diabetic skin:
Providing integrated DFU support for all stages


Drug registration

Biological medicinal product in development

Physician-led, clinical treatment

Completed Phase 1 USFDA trial

Using human MSCs


Cosmeceutical registration

Cell therapy using media extracted from cord lining MSCs and EpSCs (PTT-6®)

Clinical treatment as well as at-home support

Clinical trials in international diabetic centers

Using red deer MSCs

Register here to receive CorLiCyte® USFDA Phase 1 data
